Curso de SQL y Postgres en ingl'es

Ing. Roberto Andrade
Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:17:40 -0600 (CST)


Transcribo la p'agina de Terry Mackintosh (

SQL / PostgreSQL / PHP Class 
                           Web Oriented Database Class 

When: Monday Jan 5th 
Where: Here on the Internet 
What: All I know about PostgreSQL, SQL, and PHP 3.x 
Teacher: Me :) Terry Mackintosh 
Price: Free 
Class Book: The Practical SQL Handbook, Third Edition, ISBN 0-201-44787-8 
What you should do: Read Chapter 1, it covers some basics that I will 
assume you know. 
Week 1: Will cover any questions from ch. 1, and move right on into ch. 2 
'Designing Databases'. 
This is not a very long chapter, but a good understanding of it is 

Do to the fact that students of this class will span the globe, it is not 
practical to hold any given
hours, so I am figuring that we will make heave use of the web board that 
is now on my site. The
PostgreSQL topic area is mostly for this class, and by using it, I do not 
have to run a list server,
which I do not want to do. 

I have never really taught any thing before, so you are warned that this 
may not be the most
organized class that you ever had. :) 

I plan to follow the book. My main function will probable be to answer 
questions and some times ask
them, and to keep things on track. We will be covering some subjects not 
covered in the book ( Pg
installs, PHP, C) and I need to figure out where to interject these 
For any who need help with Pg installation, we will cover that in the 
first and or second week. 
I know that every one probable wants to jump right into web interfaces 
right away, but that would
probable just distract from learning SQL, so web interfaces will be 
introduced toward the end of the
class, along with things like how to install Apache and PHP. 

See you all Monday, so-to-speak :) 


El libro lo venden en la American Book Store en la Ciudad de M'exico y es 
MUY bueno.

Saludos y Feliz A&o Nuevo 1988!

                       Roberto Andrade Fonseca
                Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

                 Phone: (915) 623-1154, (915)623-1345

[Owner of the pgsql list in Spanish]