JDBC en PostgreSQL 6.3.2
Bruno Unna
Wed, 03 Jun 1998 12:55:36 -0500
Israel Zavalza Bahena wrote:
> que tanto es tantito ?????
> Pablo A. Godel wrote:
> >
> > > P.D. Alguien sabe hasta cuantos registros de una tabla mas o menos sencilla
> > > puede soportar postgresql? 50,000? 1,000,000?
> >
> > Tienen que ser mucho mas.
> >
> > Saludos,
> > Pablo Godel
> > --
> > -----------------------------------------------
> > The Internation Website Construction Co. (IWCC)
> > http://www.iwcc.com.ar
> > Miami - Sao Paulo - Buenos Aires - Lima
> > -----------------------------------------------
Bien, el dato exacto no lo hallo. Pero esto puede servir (espero).
de Linux-Database-HOWTO.
6. PostgreSQL Supports Extremely Large Databases greater than 200 Gig
Performance of 32-bit cpu machines will rapidly decline when the
database size exceed 5 gig. You can run 30 gig database on 32-bit cpu
but it will not be very effective. There is limitation imposed on the
amount of RAM (maximum of 2 gig only), limitation on the file system
sizes and also on the operating system. The operating system on
32-bit cpu will be "bumping it's head" too many times on the "32-bit
If you need to use extremely large databases (greater than 5
gigabytes), it is strongly advised that you use 64-bit machines like
Digital Alpha cpu, Sun Ultra-sparc 64-bit cpu, Silicon graphics 64-bit
cpu, upcoming Intel Merced IA-64 cpu, HPUX 64bit machines, IBM 64-bit
machines. Compile PostgreSQL under 64-bit cpu and it can support huge
databases and large queries. Performance of PostgreSQL for queries on
large tables and databases will be several times faster than
PostgreSQL on 32-bit cpu machines. Advantage of 64-bit machines are
that you get very large memory addressing space and the operating
system can support very large file-systems, provide better performance
with large databases, support much larger memory(RAM), have more
capabilities etc..
| Bruno Unna |
| bruno@sac.com.mx Pub.key available ICQ:1858580 |