[Pgsql-ayuda] ANNOUNCE: DBD::Chart 0.50 (fwd)

Ing. Roberto Andrade Fonseca randrade@abl.com.mx
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 10:53:41 -0600 (CST)


Un bonito m=F3dulo de DBD para generar gr=E1ficos de datos.


Roberto Andrade Fonseca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 14:42:16 -0800
From: Dean Arnold <darnold@presicient.com>
To: DBI-users <dbi-users@perl.org>
Cc: "Vanole, Mike" <mike.vanole@attws.com>,
     Andy Duncan <andy_j_duncan@yahoo.com>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: DBD::Chart 0.50

DBD::Chart 0.50 is now available from either=20
http://www.presicient.com/dbdchart/ or from CPAN (shortly).

Changes from 0.43:
 - added 3 axis bar charts
 - GD::Graph, GD::Graph3d no longer required (DBD::Chart::Plot includes
  its own barchart, piechart rendering engine)
 - added box & whisker charts
 - iconic barcharts and datapoints (ie, bars as stacks of icons, instead of
  solid rectangles)
 - generation of HTML or Perl imagemap files to create hotspots for data po=
 - added GRIDCOLOR property to specify color of background grid
 - added TEXTCOLOR property to specify color of image text
 - several bug fixes
 - minimum Perl 5.6.0 required
 - moved log processing to the Plot module

FYI: DBD::Chart is a Perl DBI driver abstraction for rendering charts
and graphs using a variant of SQL. Review the DBD::Chart homepage at
http://www.presicient.com/dbdchart/ for detailed


Current DBD::Chart users should re-run their scripts through
this version to be certain they're satisfied with any possible
changes, and to assure backward compatibility. While I have tried
to maintain backward compatibility, DBD::Chart::Plot's new=20
barchart and piechart engine will produce visibly different=20
output than the previous GD::Graph-based versions, and=20
(alas) I haven't had time to implement the 3-D effect for=20
piecharts yet.

For those directly using DBD::Chart::Plot (ie, using Perl attribute
hashes rather than SQL), you should read the included README.plot
for the updates. Again, I have tried to maintain backward compatibility,
but there may be something that got lost in the upgrade.

Feedback on problems, suggestions, even complaints, is welcome.
Just drop a note to darnold@presicient.com.

Dean Arnold