[pgsql-ayuda] [HACKERS] Contribute to the PL/pgSQL CookBook !! (fwd)

Ing. Roberto Andrade Fonseca randrade@abl.com.mx
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:48:22 -0600 (CST)


Suena interesante el proyecto, ojalá podamaos contribuir a su crecimiento.


Roberto Andrade Fonseca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 14:13:49 -0700
From: Roberto Mello <rmello@cc.usu.edu>
To: pgsql-docs@postgresql.org, pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org,
Subject: [HACKERS] Contribute to the PL/pgSQL CookBook !!

	I have started the "PL/pgSQL CookBook" project. The goal is to
create a cookbook of PL/pgSQL functions that will be catalogued and made
available for others to use and learn from.
	Come to http://www.brasileiro.net/postgres and contribute your own 
PL/pgSQL (or PL/Tcl, PL/Perl) function or trigger! This will help many
Postgres users, both novice and experienced, to use its procedural
	The CookBook has several sections, and you can add your own. No login
is required, just come and contribute.

	Once again http://www.brasileiro.net/postgres 

	Oh, did I mention that you get your own "PostgreSQL Powered" button
when you contribute a function/trigger? :)

+----| http://fslc.usu.edu USU Free Software & GNU/Linux Club|------+
  Roberto Mello - Computer Science, USU - http://www.brasileiro.net 
      http://www.sdl.usu.edu - Space Dynamics Lab, Web Developer    
Pimentus annus alter, refrescum est.

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