[Pgsql-ayuda] [jimw@kelcomaine.com: [GENERAL] Powerbuilder and PostgreSQL information]
Alvaro Herrera
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 12:59:05 -0300
A la gente que usaba (o trataba de usar) PowerBuilder con Postgres, esto
puede servir de ayuda. En particular el hint sobre el archivo .ini ...
(para evitar que las tablas sean <usuario>.<tabla> por ejemplo)
----- Forwarded message from Jim Wilson <jimw@kelcomaine.com> -----
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 15:31:36 -0000
To: "pgsql-general@postgresql.org" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Subject: [GENERAL] Powerbuilder and PostgreSQL information
From: "Jim Wilson" <jimw@kelcomaine.com>
There wasn't much help online when I decided this had to be a concept that
would work. Sybase is not a lot of help on this either. After sometimes
spending hours staring at traces and explains in order to solve a single
problem (and often using a totally heuristic approach to debugging :-)), I
finally have real world applications running (very well in fact).
In order to document the details for myself, and to share them with others,
I've setup a small website. It's a little rough and incomplete so far, but
hopefully it will be useful to someone.
The address is: http://pbpgsql.spiderbark.com
Best regards,
Jim Wilson
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----- End forwarded message -----
Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"¿Cómo puedes confiar en algo que pagas y que no ves,
y no confiar en algo que te dan y te lo muestran?" (Germán Poo)